High Tech Student Provides Free Coding Workshops For Girls

High Tech senior, Aparna Kumar, recently had her Gold Award project approved by the Girls Scouts. The Gold Award is the highest achieving award a girl scout can earn.

Aparna launched the Let’s Code Cyber Circle initiative, a program that sparks STEM awareness for middle and high school girls through free, hands-on workshops throughout NJ, on topics ranging from Python, cyber-security, wearables, Arduino, paper circuits, and more. She developed a website providing program details and developed curriculum suitable for novice users. She has conducted the workshops along with her team and has spent over 100 hours towards the project so far. Inspired by her work, she has been awarded a grant of $1900 to conduct future workshops. She plans to expand her initiative to reach more students in future years.

The Girl Scouts will be conducting a ceremony in May of 2020, when she will be presented with the Gold Award pin. You can read more about her program at her website: https://cybercircle.wixsite.com/letscode

 Congratulations Aparna!
