cypHER 2020 Registration is Open!
The High Technology High School Robotics and Coding Club is hosting cypHER, a coding outreach event for middle school girls (grades 6-8). cypHER will be held on March 28th, from 9 AM - 4 PM, at HTHS.
At cypHER, students will be introduced to coding with app and web development lessons. Using the skills they learned, participants will form teams at the event and create their own projects to solve a problem. Thanks to sponsors, this event is completely free: snacks, meals, drinks, and prizes will be included.
This is a great opportunity to pass along to your students. Students will learn to code while having fun, developing teamwork skills, and practicing problem solving. Experienced mentors will teach the classes and help participants with their projects. Registration is open at until March 14.
This is the second year running cypHER. Our first event was extremely successful with a turnout of about 50 girls.
Further questions can be emailed to