COVID-19 Message From Assistant Superintendent Dr. Charles Ford
Hello Monmouth County Vocational School District staff, students and parents. As we continue to move through the pandemic of COVID-19, I want to thank you for your ongoing support and dedication as we continue to implement and sustain our remote instructional plan. Our school district has been functioning at above 90% attendance for our remote learning classes. This is proof that everyone is doing their part to ensure the continuity of learning in all of our schools.
We have continued to, not only engage our students academically, but also socially. Last week, we conducted a district-wide Spirit Week in which students and staff were asked to show their school pride by posting photos related to each day’s theme. Students and staff posted their photos on Twitter and tagged them with the label #MCVSDStrong. At the end of the week, the photos were counted and the Academy of Allied Health and Science prevailed as the winner. It was such a festive and spirited week in which all schools participated, and I thank everyone for staying connected and making the best of a difficult situation.
On a daily basis we are making decisions and trying our best to deliver information and remain transparent. Governor Murphy has stated all schools will continue remote learning until on or about May 15th at which time he will conduct another press conference to provide further guidance.
As we move forward, MCVSD is still working hard to answer many difficult questions: How will we determine final grades in all schools? What will become of prom and graduation? What will the end of the school year look like? What will be the new normal for schools after COVID-19? We look forward to providing more guidance and having answers to these tough questions once we receive direction from the Governor on or about May 15th. We will continue to be transparent and alert you when new procedures are put in place and decisions are made.
This is a difficult time for everyone, but TOGETHER we will make it through this. If you need assistance and/or resources, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school. We will continue to strive to provide the best education for all students and look forward to continuing with a high participation rate while finishing the school year strong…#MCVSDStrong.
Dr Charles R. Ford, Jr.
Assistant Superintendent