HTHS Students Place 3rd in 2023 MathWorks [M3] Challenge!
High Tech students were awarded the Cum Laude Team Prize of $10,000 college scholarship for placing third in the 2023 MathWorks Math Modeling [M3] Challenge. This year’s Challenge tasked teams to quantify the growth of e-bikes use and their impacts on society. The students were allowed 14 hours to write a 20-page paper during a weekend in March. Over 800 teams across the US and the UK registered to compete, with 650 teams submitted papers. SIAM [Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics] organized a group of over a hundred Ph.D. mathematicians to evaluate and judge the papers. The top 6 teams were requested to make a final oral presentation in downtown New York City on April 24. This year’s team of 5 seniors consisted of Kevin Guan, Amanda Lin, Michael Gao, Amanda Guan, and Kevin Liu.
Further information regarding the M3 challenge can be found at: